Tuesday, March 27, 2007

New Events

3/29 Battle of the Bands
7:30pm Cumnock Auditorium
Rock out with your favorite on-campus bands, as they compete for a chance to perform at this year Spring Carnival!

4/6 "Notorious M.S.G." comes to UML
7:00pm Mahoney Auditorium
Performance hosted by the Vietnamese Student Association
The Notorious M.S.G. (not B.I.G.) is a parody/comedy indie rock band. They've been featured on MTV U and MTV 2 and are well known around the Asian community. They're really good, really funny!

4/10 Career Services Events
Coming soon... 5 Days That May Change Your Life! Don't miss this exciting series of stand-alone workshops and events, sponsored by the Office of Career Services. Take part in everything from a resume makeover, to a workshop on dressing for success. Some events require pre-registration; check the Career Services website for details: career.uml.edu. Don't wait! Events begin on April 10th!

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